Tag: Peel

What To Expect When You Get A Chemical Peel

Immediately post treatment my skin felt quite warm and a little itchy. I usually experience a histamine response to skin treatments, so I was ready to take an antihistamine post treatment. Under instruction from my dermal clinician, I will not get my face wet tonight or use any active ingredients on...

The Green Peel damaged my skin

It’s currently 8:34 and I’m wrapping up from a long day of work what’s been troubling me all day is my skin — it’s been so painful today. I’ve tried putting aloe vera and gentle creams to help soothe the pain, but that feeling still lingers. I look in the mirror a...

Do You “Peel An Orange” Or “Unpeel An Orange”?

Eventually, this conversation spiraled into a peel vs. unpeel argument. Both words have the definition of “removing an outer covering.” So, which one do you use? If you were to advocate for peel, then you would mention how peel already has a negative...