Tag: Paul

Paul McCartney Says Jimmy Buffett’s New, Last Song May Be His Best Ever

A week after Jimmy Buffett died, his new song “Bubbles Up” was released. Sir Paul McCarney called it “probably the best I’ve heard him sing ever.” Is “Bubble’s Up” Buffett’s best song ever? Will it be as big a hit as his ea...

Did Paul Misquote the Hebrew Bible in Romans 9 and 1 Corinthians 15?

In Genesis 22, it was on the third day that Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac (v4). Of course, at the last minute, the angel of the Lord said to Abraham: “Do not lay a hand on the boy.” (v12) Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, a midrash traditionally ascribed to Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus (1s...

Did Paul misquote Hosea? A response to Rabbi Singer on Romans 9:25

Is Paul trying to deceive his readers? According to Rabbi Singer, Hosea is talking about the northern tribes of Israel: It is speaking about the restoration of the 10 Northern tribes of Israel in context. Paul in Romans 9 is applying that to non-Jews. That’s a complete misappropriation of t...

St Peter and St Paul Rocks, Atlantic Ocean

It is not unusual to find groups of rocky islands close to a coastline, but stuck out in the middle of an ocean? That is where you will find the St Peter and St Paul Rocks — in the Atlantic Ocean about 590 miles from northeast Brazil and 1,100 miles from west Africa. They are 15 small islan...