Tag: Pattern

Why Build a Pattern Library in Jetpack Compose?

In the dynamic and fast-paced landscape of modern app development, maintaining design consistency across diverse teams and applications remains a formidable challenge. Whether building for enterprises, businesses, or the common consumer, the quest for design consistency and efficient development is ...

Mastering Composite Design Pattern

When building complex software applications, we often encounter the need to handle hierarchies of interconnected objects. This is where the Composite pattern comes into play. Supose this pattern as a way to organize individual objects and groups of objects into a tree-like structure, which simplifie...

Writing Better Code in Go with the Option Pattern

As developers, we are always looking for better ways to write code that is maintainable, testable, and scalable. In Go, we often see structs with many fields, which can make initialization a pain, especially when some fields are optional. It becomes even more challenging when there are ma...

2 Minute Tips: The Strategy Pattern

The “black” of the business world — strategy will never go out of fashion. By which, I mean the word “strategy”. Such gravitas. Such authority. As a classically-trained consultant, wrung through the gauntlet of 12 weeks of h̶e̶a̶v̶y̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶n...

A Fantastic Yet Simple Market Pattern to Use

Pattern recognition is a vast field and can have many innovative ideas or unexplored techniques. This article sheds some light on a type of pattern that can be applied in a different way. The Fibonacci Trading Book is finally out! Filled with Fibonacci-based trading methods (tools, indicator...

Pattern Recognition Trading — The Hidden Shovel

Pattern recognition is a vast field and can have many innovative ideas or unexplored techniques. This article sheds some light on a type of pattern that can be applied in a different way. The Fibonacci Trading Book is finally out! Filled with Fibonacci-based trading methods (tools, indicator...

11. Design Pattern: Flyweight

It is one of the structural design patterns that is used to reduce the number of objects created to improve the memory footprint of an application. It is usually employed whenever we have limited memory or we can reuse the already existing similar kind of objects. It al...

Game Dev: Unity/C# — What is the Flyweight Pattern?

The flyweight pattern is mainly used as a performance optimization technique. It typically comes in handy when dealing with large amounts of data. The term “large amounts” will be relative to your general performance goals. Either way this is definitely a useful pattern to learn f...

Serverless Event Gateway Pattern

Introduction There are many times when developing our serverless solutions when we need to interact with existing legacy systems or 3rd party services within our wider domain; and they are unable to publish and consume events from your central Amazon EventBridge bus directly due to tech...

Scaling Teams Mobile Development — Evolving the design pattern.

Monolithic mobile app codebases and stories about making them modularized is a common topic of discussion now-a-days. There are articles written on this from Slack, Square, Reddit, Robinhood and many more. Here is a series of posts that provides a systematic way and a design...

Singleton Design Pattern in iOS

The Singleton design pattern is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. The Singleton pattern is one of the simplest and most widely used design patterns. Example...

Proxy Design Pattern in Swift

The Proxy design pattern is a structural pattern in which a surrogate object acts as a placeholder for another object. The Proxy pattern provides a way to control access to the original object by creating a proxy object that is responsible for communicating with the original object. This pattern can...

The State Pattern in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

The State Pattern is a behavioural design pattern that allows an object to alter its behaviour when its internal state changes. The pattern is particularly useful when an object needs to change its behaviour in response to state transitions while keeping the logic for each state separate and encapsu...

The Builder Pattern in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

The Builder Pattern is a creational design pattern that separates the construction of complex objects from their representation. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Builder Pattern in Swift, its usage, provide a conceptual example, discuss real-world applications, problem-solving capabi...

How On Earth Did We Get Wet & The Water Climate Crisis

In Patagonia, an unusual weather pattern has been causing concern since June — almost five months of non-stop heavy rainfall, breaking records and reshaping the region. Lakes are swelling to levels never seen before, swallowing beaches, and turning storms into sinking hazards for docked ships....

Myth.AI’s Fashion Pattern Design Tools

Outside of certain communities with specific cultural practices, clothing is a norm that, over the past few decades, has increasingly gained more social significance, used to communicate our social status or express our personalities. Often also deeply influenced by the society and culture that s...

Top Surface Pattern Trends for 2023/2024: A Glimpse into the Future of Design

The digital age has ushered in a new era of design possibilities. In 2023, we started seeing patterns designed explicitly for digital platforms and AR experiences. These interactive patterns, which change and adapt in real-time, are set to explode in popularity in 2024, especially in the tech and en...

Advanced Pattern Recognition For Trading

Pattern recognition is always an exciting field when it comes to financial research and trading. This article discusses a patterns-based strategy applied on a famous technical indicator. The 8–3 Pattern Pattern can come in all shapes in forms, from price patterns to volume patterns and e...

math pattern memory

Today I had class and am starting back again. I left midway because I forgot my dance shoes, and took barre in socks. It is a lot, all that I carry. But I got my first solo in the last show. I want to start to get strong enough to wear pointe shoes for center class and not just rehearsal. I don&rsqu...

3D Fashion Design: Five Reasons Why Designers Should Use 3D In Pattern Making

Have you ever been bothered by rushing between studios, fabric suppliers and garment factories carrying the heavy toolkit jammed with pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.? 3D fashion design technology could save designers from such troubles in pattern making. As a computer-assisted design technology, a co...

Let’s Put Art Back in Pattern Engineering

The “Wall Between Design and Manufacturing” in my engineering grant award from the National Science Foundation in 1989, illustrates how the fashion apparel industry worked in the second half of the 20th century. Most “fashion designers” connected only with showrooms and ...

Quality Pattern Engineering Makes a Greater Fashion Industry.

Pattern is reproduction of fashion clothing. Quality engineering is reproducing many while maintaining high quality, yet affordable pricing. Quality pattern engineering recognizes fashion clothing as a 4D moving art form. Personally I hold the shapes of the body as the greatest ins...