Tag: Passion

History: My Lifelong Passion and Window to the World

From a relatively young age, my two big passions have been history and art. These two disciplines have not only fuelled my curiosity but have also played a significant role in shaping my perspective on the world. Both history and art possess the unique ability to transport us through time, allowi...

How Arthritis Stole My Passion of 17 Years

A few days ago, my Dad found an old CD buried in our home and sent me a series of files with music I hadn’t heard in 13 years. Despite all that time, the glassy notes, arpeggios, and dynamics were still fresh in my mind. I breathed along with the musician and anticipated her pauses. After a...

The Unabashed Truth about Pursuing Passion

In the era where every soul with a smartphone believes they’ve clinched the theory of everything, here I am, on this digital parchment, scribbling not another ‘10 Ways to Be Happy’. No sir, we are diving into the nitty-gritty, the raw, untouched terrains of passion, ambition, an...

Film Will Reignite Your Passion for Photography

Photography has been an art form since the 1940s, immortalizing moments in time (some good, some bad) and inspiring generation after generation to challenge subjectivity. When I picked up a digital camera for the first time I saw more than a simple tool to freeze what was in front of me. Instead,...

The Best Financial Move I Made in My 20s Was Not To Follow My Passion

When I was a teenager, my parents enrolled me in a technical school so I could complete high school along with a technical degree. As I was young and uninterested in most of the careers that the school offered, my brother suggested Software because “you can earn a lot of money creating...

Lead With Passion & Foster Ownership in Your Team

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. — Warren Bennis  #LeadershipCourage #InnovationMatters Embrace Risk and Inspire Inno...

3 reasons why Passion and Purpose trump degrees

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level, but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If...

When your passion becomes a job, is it sad?

I’ve always been a very curious person, that feeling of “wow, I wish I could do that…” is not something I enjoy feeling. If I can learn something, and I’ve always felt fully capable of learning anything, I will do it. I remember that a few years ago, one of the thin...

When your passion becomes a job, is it sad?

I’ve always been a very curious person, that feeling of “wow, I wish I could do that…” is not something I enjoy feeling. If I can learn something, and I’ve always felt fully capable of learning anything, I will do it. I remember that a few years ago, one of the thin...

Independent video game development is described in “From Passion to Pixels.”

Not all major players in the video game industry are as large as EA, Ubisoft, or Nintendo. A thriving and enthusiastic community of independent game developers exists in the shadow of these gaming behemoths, and they are making waves with their originality and inventiveness. Join us as we explore th...

With Love & Passion from Los Angeles, A Journey to the Soul of Rock Music. In Conversation with STARSE3D, Our Hot New Artist

We’ve all got a bit of ROCK MUSIC in us; ain’t that the truth? Music to scream to, music to dance like a mad thing to, music to mosh to (if we’re brave) — it’s good innocent fun, right? And as we barrel ahead to the end of 2023 — another helluva year — we ne...

Struggling with Your Writing? Follow Passion, Not Money…

Hey folks, it’s me diving into the heart of a writer’s classic problem: the tug-of-war between following passion and chasing the paycheck in our writing journeys. We’ve all been there. We are staring at the blank screen, wondering whether to pen down what sings to our souls or what...