Tag: Particles

003 | Transmission of an Artist and Seeing Between Particles of Air

There was angst returning to my bones as I stepped nearer to my house. I usually process these thoughts and outpourings through art, creating visual outputs is very therapeutic for me. But I have always loved writing. And I can feel combining my art and writing here through Medium is creating a deep...

Classifying nano particles with deep learning

Ordinary Raman spectroscopy could be used to detect bacteria, in principle. In practise the concentrations of the associated molecules are so low, the signals overshadowed by other effects. This is where SERS and the nano particles come in. When struck with light of certain frequencies, nanoparti...

Unraveling the Quantum Mystery: Bridging the Gap Between Particles and Spacetime

In the labyrinthine streets of a bustling city, an inquisitive observer catches sight of a mesmerizing sight — the trajectories of pedestrians seem to weave and twist, as if orchestrated by an unseen hand. Captivated by this spectacle, the observer embarks on a quest to unravel the underlying ...

Quantum particles may be exchanging secret messages

Imagine that Alice is piloting a space ship light years away from Earth. Bob steers his space ship in the opposite direction, also light years away. Back on Earth, scientists prepare in a lab two particles from a single reaction, such as the decay of a pion. These particles are sent out into spac...