Tag: Parcel

Part and Parcel

I had two needles stuck in me this month! The first was in a gymnasium, which I think was a first from me, though I have repressed most gymnasium-related childhood memories, so I can’t say for certain. My first vaccine shot was in a typical part of the hospital, was not very organized, and too...

What Parcel Lockers Are Bad At, But It’s Good For Last-Mile Delivery

Parcel lockers, are gaining a foothold within the realm of last-mile delivery. The global parcel lockers market will be $2,148.6 million by the end of 2027, which means growth at 17.8% of compound annual growth rate. The reason why the parcel locker market balloons is apparent: parcel l...

History of e-commerce: The emergence of parcel deliveries

As much as logistics is essential for e-commerce today, logistics was essential for the thirteen American colonies to gain independence as the United States of America in the 18th century. Before telecommunications, the physical logistics network was also the only long distance communication network...