Tag: Oxygen

Oxygen Therapy: Journey towards holistic healing!

Modern life is becoming very stressful and full of botheration. We have become more susceptible to life style disorders and here Oxygen Therapy can be a huge blessing. It has numerous benefits that can alleviate lot of bodily problems. Oxygen Therapy Oxygen is source of life and ...

Are Aliens Made Mostly of Oxygen?

Looking in the mirror, we might wonder where did most of our body mass come from? The answer is that it was produced by nuclear fusion reactions in the hot interiors of stars, at tens of millions of degrees. Massive stars with more than 8 solar masses exploded and ejected oxygen to interstellar spac...

What Happens When You Add An Extra Oxygen Atom To A Water Molecule?

The first chemist orders a H2O — which is water. We can drink water. We need it to survive. However, the second chemist orders a “H2O too”, which sounds like H2O2, which is the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide. Now hydrogen peroxide is toxic to our bodies, and...

Oxygen Carriers: The Mighty Red Blood Cell

Visible only through microscopy, the red blood cell is a small, disk-like structure that is both flexible and durable. With a lifespan of approximately 120 days, its primary function is to transport oxygen throughout the body via the arteries, which are tube-like structures carrying blood with all i...

Why does the sun stay hot in space even though there’s no oxygen?

Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by which stars like the Sun create energy and produce elements through nuclear reactions. In the core of the Sun, the temperature and pressure are extremely high, which allows hydrogen atoms to undergo nuclear fusion and form helium. This fusion process release...