Tag: Outliers

In-betweens & Outliers

I’m born, the first of four. Some people say they remember their birth. I do not. All I know is what my mom told me: that I was a beautiful baby boy who she loved all the way to the moon and back. A brown-eyed boy — that’s what ended up on my birth certificate, the first permane...

Are Outliers Harder To Predict?

Outliers are individuals that are very different from the majority of the population. Traditionally, among practitioners there is a certain mistrust in outliers, this is why ad-hoc measures such as removing them from the dataset are often adopted. However, when working with real data, outliers ar...

Removing Outliers. Understanding How and What behind the Magic.

An outlier is any piece of data that is at abnormal distance from other points in the dataset. To us humans looking at few values at guessing outliers is easy. Take a look at this, Can you guess which are outliers? [25, 26, 38, 34, 3, 33, 23, 85, 70, 28, 27] Well my frie...