Tag: Out

Time To Check Out Izakaya..

Itwas a beautiful, sunny afternoon and I was down around Yonge Street in North York, Ontario. There are a ton of shops and restaurants in this area and the streets were bustling with activity. People were taking walks, heading to restaurants, exercising, and generally having a great day. After walki...

When Life Is Out To Get You

“You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.” — Amelia Earhart “What do you want to do after high school?” my first boyfriend asked me on one of our early dates. We were bot...

Running Out of Space For Your Favorite Titles on Nintendo Switch ?

The Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular consoles on the market, capturing the hearts of gamers worldwide. However a love for games often comes with the issue of limited space for your favorite titles. Fortunately SanDisk a licensed specialist offers a solution in the form of a 1TB microS...

Isn’t It Time For Punch-Out!! To Return?

As great as Nintendo is doing with most of its franchises, there are some that could use a little more love lately. F-Zero definitely comes to mind, as does StarFox. But…what about Punch-Out!!? The boxing franchise got its start in arcades many years ago, as a dual-scre...

You Want to Feel Like a Local? Then Figure the Subway Out.

Big, huge, teeming and alive with energy, world cities can be bewildering places at the beginning, even for the most seasoned and confident globetrotter. But isn’t there a certain joy found in asking yourself, “Am I going the right way?”, “How do I order this?”, &l...

Heart Over Hate: Yes We Can Figure This Out

Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remarked, ‘If Canada can’t figure this out, tell me, what corner of the world is going to figure this out?’ while discussing the unprecedented rise in hate incidents across the country, as a devastating war continues in the Middle East. I...

The Sad Day COP28 Phased Out The Ambition to “Phase Out.”

While more than 100 countries called to phase out fossil fuels, the delegations in Dubai received a watered-down text about reducing “consumption and production of fossil fuels, in a just, orderly and equitable manner.” Activists fear that potential objections from fossil fuel countri...

How to Use Social Media to Reach Out to Investors

The only way to find investors was by flying to expensive conferences. But first, people needed to be aware of those conferences, which was a problem in an offline world. With the rise of social media, AI, and the digital revolution, finding investors is a manageable problem. It is easy to use...

Closing Out Q4: Oct — Dec 2023

Aswe close out 2023, we wanted to share highlights from the past year! We launched our second site in New York City and continued growing our impact in Boston. We served a Cohort of 125 Fellows, 27 Host Companies, 2 REDI Partners, and a coalition of dedicated Mentors. In addition, we proudly welcome...

Out: Better Late Than Never

70% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) now support same-sex marriage, but a sizable and powerful minority retain their homophobia. They (at least those who are not cynical political manipulators) feel threatened by societal change. They interpret their religious or moral teachin...

Healing from the Inside Out

“Whoever wants that job is crazy!” That was Crystal Leonetti’s reaction when she first heard about a job opening with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) in Alaska. Crystal was already working for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), a federal agency she&rsqu...

Weed Out the Truth

Cannabis has blossomed from a taboo subject to a hot-button issue, weaving its tendrils through the fabric of societies worldwide. From the fringes to the forefront of political agendas, there are cultural shifts, scientific discoveries, and, most intriguingly, political maneuvering. As a writer ...