Tag: Nomad

After Six Years Of Being A Digital Nomad, I’m Ready To Go Home

I’ve lived as a digital nomad for six years. And during that time, I’ve enjoyed the privilege of visiting dozens of countries while working remotely. I make my own hours, spend all day writing, and earn enough money to pay my bills. But, I’m starting to realize that the d...

After Six Years Of Being A Digital Nomad, I’m Ready To Go Home

I’ve lived as a digital nomad for six years. And during that time, I’ve enjoyed the privilege of visiting dozens of countries while working remotely. I make my own hours, spend all day writing, and earn enough money to pay my bills. But, I’m starting to realize that the d...

You Need Only This One Minimalistic Device to Become a True Digital Nomad

Digital nomadism is a dream for most of us. It’s a sign of independence and freedom in life. We all know this image of a guy sitting on the beach and working as a freelancer. I recently decided to turn my life in this direction as well. However, to become a true digital nomad, you first ...

Best places in Barcelona: Settle’s digital nomad guide

At Settle, our mission is to enhance the digital nomad lifestyle through our exceptional properties. But we understand that a significant part of this lifestyle extends beyond the walls of your residence. Your experiences beyond your home greatly influence your perception of the city you’ve ch...

French (citizen) Immigration Lawyer Living as a Digital Nomad in Mexico

I can surely understand what it is to be an immigrant and how it feels: filling out forms, waiting, worrying, waiting again and then having to adapt oneself to a new culture, new habits, and learning a new language among others. I am an immigration lawyer admitted to the Paris Bar (France) curren...

One month into being a Digital Nomad

Changing your lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. When you want something, though, and are ready to put in the work, it’s incredible what you can accomplish. Seven months ago, I had an idea. A seemingly crazy idea. To take my online ESL teaching job on the road. To become a digital nom...