Tag: NFTs

How to mint NFTs programmatically (Zero Solidity knowledge needed)

Did you know that the NFT industry generated around $24.7 billion in sales last year(Source)? If you’re a programmer trying to get your hands dirty in this space with little or no Blockchain development experience, this article can be a great start for you. In this article, you’ll learn ...

The Pixelated Party Is Over for NFTs

Last month, NFTs returned to the spotlight, seemingly regaining some of their former glory. Sales surged to $2 billion in February — numbers not seen since the Terra crash and a massive increase from the $117 million sales in January. “We’re back baby,” rejoiced ...

NFTs Finally Have a Use-Case: A Sewer Game With Bad Poop Jokes

Every time I write about NFTs, I end with the same logical argument. Until real use cases for the technology appear that are useful to the wider population, it will continue to be a get-rich-quick scheme that very few will get rich from. Well, ask, and you shall receive. On Jan 18, Bored ...

NFTs Aren’t As Stupid As You Think

Last week I was in rural Arizona, and in the course of business I met two of the older guys in town. One of them owns and operates the motel, which most likely exists because if you drive a truck from the Port of Los Angeles for a regulation-limit 11 hour day, right around here is where you end up. ...

The Entirely Misunderstood Purpose of NFTs

Non-fungible-tokens (NFT’s) represent a crucial functional piece in blockchain applications. We all know that NFTs experienced a brief explosion in popularity in the early 2020’s, but for the most part, this craze was fueled by curiosity and hype, and many people who bought into the tren...

Hate NFTs? I have some bad news for you…

With the recent crash in crypto markets and the gnat-like attention span of major media outlets, the fervor around NFTs has subsided a bit in recent months. It’s hard to remember now, but earlier this spring they were all anyone could talk about. So last semester, when passions were runni...

Notes From The Ether — from NFTs to AI

You can’t ignore the ArtScience Museum in Marina Bay Sands if you are in Singapore — The iconic cultural landmark exploring the intersection of art and science, surounded by a full pool of waterlilies. Art Science Museum — Marina Bay Sands Singapore Photo: Sunny Jiang I w...

An Introduction to Metaverse NFTs

Metaverse NFTs are unique digital assets that exist inside the virtual shared space of the metaverse, such virtual real estate, in-game items and collectables. Here’s what you need to know. The comparison between NFT and the metaverse focuses entirely on the possibility to shape a n...

How Web3 and NFTs are the key to Preserving Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage is a vital aspect of our history and identity, serving as a symbol of our past, present, and future. However, preserving cultural heritage has always been a challenging task, and with the fast pace of technological advancement, the task has become even more complex. Fortunately, th...