Tag: Next.js

Next.js — Security headers (Best practices)

Security headers are HTTP response headers that web servers can send to enhance the security of web applications. These headers provide instructions to the web browser on how to handle certain aspects of the page and its interactions. By setting appropriate security headers, web developers can mitig...

5 Must-Have Tools for Building Web Applications with Next.js App Router

The introduction of the Pages Router took center stage with the release of Next.js 11. This routing mechanism quickly became the primary means of creating routes within Next.js applications. However, as the framework’s user base expanded, so did the complexity of the interfaces that developers...

Next.js’s New App Vs. Pages Router: A Detailed Comparison

We placed our pages in Next's "pages" directory for years. This is about to change now. A while ago, Next.js introduced the new App Router, significantly changing how we create pages. But not only the directory in which we store our app's pages changes — but also the avai...

Advanced Next.js Concepts

As a developer, you may have built a Next.js application using the basic concepts such as creating and navigating pages, handling data with getStaticProps and getServerSideProps, and styling with CSS modules and styled components. However, there are many advanced N...

React Context is Officially Dead; Enter Zustand State Management.

In the ever-evolving landscape of frontend development, React Context has long been a stalwart for state management. However, the winds of change are blowing as a new contender steps onto the scene: Zustand. In this article, we delve into Zustand by creating a basic interactive todo application. ...

Next.js 13 + tRPC: A Match Made in Heaven

Dive into the powerful synergy between Next.js 13 and tRPC in this comprehensive guide. Discover how this dynamic duo empowers web developers to create blazing-fast and highly interactive applications. From leveraging Next.js 13’s cutting-edge features to harnessing tRPC's facilities th...

Why Developers are Switching towards Next.js

is React’s Rule over now? You have noticed that most of the Junior (and Senior Also) Developers are switching over from React.js to Next.js. But, the main Question is why is it so ??, is Next.js provides something that others(in this blog, we are only comparing it with React.js) cannot ?? L...

Integrate Real-Time Discord Webhooks in Next.js 13

In an era where real-time communication and engagement are paramount, developers are constantly seeking ways to make their web applications more interactive and dynamic. Discord, a popular platform for communication among gamers and communities, offers a powerful feature known as webhooks, which ...