Tag: Neurodivergent

Why Peer Support Is So Important For Neurodivergent Adults

I’ve amassed a library of neurodivergence-related content in my head since my journey of discovery began in earnest about three years ago. Writing is my go-to method of processing it. I can’t remember much of said content coming from anyone who wasn’t neurodivergent. It was my f...

Being Neurodivergent Explained in Four Comics

The single factor that explains why I act baby-ish, play with toys, and can occasionally “predict” the end of the world Created by the author. Everyone is talking about what it means to be ADHD and neurodivergent these days, but few have identified the funniest, cutest, and sim...

More Than a Game | How sports can be used to benefit physical, cognitive, and relational functioning of neurodivergent kids

Following the conclusion of the meet, Jocelyn patiently awaited awards, hoping her gymnastics performance throughout the day was enough to earn her a spot on the podium. She anxiously picked at her new calluses, courtesy of the uneven bars. And with somewhere around two hundred sets of eyes on he...

My neurodivergent mind thrives in a hybrid work environment

I’ve always struggled with in-office work environments. The big spaces, noises, movements, and even the fluorescent lighting rarely worked well for my ADHD and dyslexia. When we went into lockdown, I felt like my time to thrive had finally come. We were entering the digital work era I&rsquo...