Tag: Narrative

Navigating a New Narrative at The Forge: An Introduction to NFTs and DeFi with Real World Use Cases

Welcome to The Forge, where cutting-edge technology meets boundless potential. The Forge is a pioneering platform that combines Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with the transformative potential of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). But, if you’re new to these terms, worry not! Dive in, as we demys...

Embracing the Art of Narrative Data Visualization

Data visualization is a powerful tool to represent complex data to readers. Taking it a step further; narrative visualization allows us to craft data stories that transform information into a series of compelling scenes. This approach tailors the experience for the audience. Narrative visualizati...

Facial Expression as Key to Narrative Portraiture

Faces are one of the earliest recognizable symbols we create as children first teaching ourselves to draw and design. Children are so intrigued by what the facial expressions of their parents and mentors visually communicate, they habitually draw their first portraits over and over again, emphasizin...

Facial Expression as Key to Narrative Portraiture

Introduction Faces are one of the earliest recognizable symbols we create as children first teaching ourselves to draw and design. Children are so intrigued by what the facial expressions of their parents and mentors visually communicate, they habitually draw their first portraits over and over a...

Narrative Design 101 — What is Narrative Design?

(If you haven’t read the introduction to this series here, it will offer some valuable context). I like to start out on a positive note Screenshot from The Stanley Parable by Davey Wreden and William Pugh I covered this in the intro article, but I also wanted to include t...

It’s time to rethink the climate emergency narrative

“The science is clear. The world is in a state of climate emergency, and we need to shift into emergency gear.” This is the opening sentence on the UN’s Environment Program (UNEP) page on climate emergency. The first part of the sentence is indisputable. Not only is the sci...

Redefining ‘Never Again’: Uniting Humanity Through the Jewish Narrative

I began writing this October 8th 2023, watching as the rockets from Gaza indiscriminately decimated innocent people of all faiths and ages in Israel, and continued looking into my saddened heart as Israel lobbed their bombs into Gaza ever since. The question? Where am I to stand in the face of such ...

Life Can Change…It’s Time Our Narrative Did Too

Anyone of us can face a life altering disability at anytime. Children and adults alike can face a disability at anytime, a dive in the water at the wrong angle, a back bend at a slightly wrong angle, an accident an illness. Even with that knowledge, there’s still an outdated narrative that goe...

Curating a trans narrative

We talk about trans identities like they are this homogenous thing, as if all trans people are the same. Its as if we believe that trans identities are monolithic men in frocks, a predatory subset of the male sex. Yet, as with all things no two trans people are the same, and no two trans narratives ...

Good Grief and the New Gay Narrative

At the heart of Good Grief is Marc, portrayed by Levy himself. He’s a guy who’s just lost his husband, Oliver (played by the charming Luke Evans), and man, does it hit hard. Marc’s journey through the film is like a mirror to anyone who’s ever lost someone they...

The Harmful Narrative Around Detransitioning

The whys of detransitioning are complicated and personal to each individual, however the most common reasons include social pressure from family and friends, underlying medical issues that are worsened by medical transition, or a misdiagnosis. While someone being misdiagnosed as transgender is ra...

Who Controls the Narrative?

“Who disagrees with this statement: I believe what a police officer says is true because a police officer said it.” I was in a jury pool fielding questions from a prosecutor designed to weed out the undesirables from the final twelve. I immediately disagreed with the statement he posed a...

Immigrating on my terms: owning up to my narrative

The power of the internet and globalization I started creating content on Linkedin over three years ago, and last year, I started sharing my immigration journey (including the grieving process). Localization marketing allowed me to tap into diverse markets, reaching people with different language...

What Are Parties For?

The narrative, naturally, is that Cheney was symbolically guillotined because she courageously stood up to “Trump’s lies” about the 2020 election which was, as everyone knows, the most honest election in US history. But in a series of events lifted right from Orwell, the 2020 elect...


Below, find attached my application for the Will Doors Millennium Scholarship. I am also writing to confirm that I do meet the requirements for this scholarship and have one parent of color. (Though, the other parent is white and I completely understand if that makes me eligible for only half of the...

“Too Many Women Are Going to College!”

There’s a male supremacist narrative out there that increasingly more women are going to college than men because of educational bias, unfair advantages, and so on. Just like every other male supremacy talking point, it’s based on a male victimhood narrative, cuz that’s how male su...

Israel as the protagonist of a replacement theory narrative

Replacement theory, also known as the Great Replacement, is a theory that claims that white people are under threat of being replaced by non-whites (Arabs in Europe, Mexicans in the US). This replacement supposedly happens through immigration, declining white birthrates, and corruption of white cult...

The Endless Narrative

When AMC’s sensationally successful The Walking Dead aired its final episode, fans all over the planet were gutted. Even though it had, by then, been twelve years since the first episode aired in 2010. Not wanting to let the fans wallow in their heartbreak (or, more appropriately,...