Tag: Narcan

How To Get Free Narcan

Naloxone Exchange (www.naloxoneexchange.com) by Script Health offers the most affordable and convenient options for Narcan kits and Naloxone containing products online, with easy access and home delivery. For Individuals, nXg offers Narcan Nasal Spray Kits, and generic Naloxone Kit options (with ...

Narcan Is Now Over-the-Counter, Now What?

Itis pretty hard to access the life-saving, and quite frankly miracle drug that is naloxone; a familiar brand name being Narcan. Due to so, a recent move from the federal government has now made Narcan available over-the-counter. This is great, but it’s not enough. Now that Narcan, the...

Life Through The Nose: FDA Approves Nasal Spray Narcan

The timeline for availability and price of this OTC product is determined by the manufacturer. The FDA will work with all stakeholders to help facilitate the continued availability of naloxone nasal spray products during the time needed to implement the Narcan switch from prescription to OTC status,...