Tag: Naming

Unveiling the Art of Redis Key Naming Best Practices

Abstract Redis is a flexible and efficient in-memory data storage that is highly valuable for a range of purposes, such as caching, session management and others. One important factor to consider when using Redis is the choose the suitable names for keys. It is essential to choose a clear and con...

Henry Sackville and the Improbable Street Naming

One of the great things about being Irish is the endless stories. Everything and everyone has a story and a history. The hill over beyond has seven holy wells hidden across it, each one consecrated by a saint who went on to introduce Christianity to Switzerland. It is said that the person who dri...

The Ethics of Naming Wild Animals

The National Institutes of Health article provides the example of Knut the polar bear to illustrate naming’s potential for commercialisation and abnormal lives. Should individual animals be given names in wildlife … — John Wiley https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/do...

Whose name am I?! Musings on patriarchal naming practices.

I need to change my Virginia license to New York. Why is this interesting or relevant? I hear you say. Well, I have long wanted to claim a certain middle name, and the renewal of official documents and identifications presents such an opportunity. OK, so what?! I still hear you say...

4 Steps to Naming Compounds in Chemistry Nomenclature

2. Add an ‘ide’ to the end of the second compound’s name For both molecular and ionic compounds, change the name of the second compound so it ends in ‘ide’ ex: fluorine = fluoride, hydrogen = hydride 3. See if you need roman numerals Ch...

Nouns : The Naming Words

In English Grammar — Made Easy we touched upon parts of speech. In this article we will discuss Nouns in detail. History and Etymology for noun Middle English nowne, from Anglo-French nom, from Latin nomen. English Noun means name. A noun i...