Tag: Mystical

Neurolinguistic Programming EXPOSED An Investigation into the Mind’s Mystical Cipher

Fam, check this out — I’m about to dive headfirst into the deep end of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). It’s like a wild blend of neurology, linguistics, and programming, all rolled up into one dope package. Think of it as the instrumental music of the mind, weaving a hypnotic ch...

Mystical Walks

When I travel abroad, I like to include some scuba diving and a good hike or two into the mix. When I thought about the December challenge and the topic of spirituality, I wanted to write about places I have been to in the great outdoors hiking that felt spiritual to me. My thoughts were immediately...

The Mystical Number Nine: A Journey Through Hindu Scriptures and Culture

The Cosmic Dance of Yugas Delving into the cyclical nature of time, Hindu scriptures introduce us to the concept of Yugas — epochs that shape the destiny of the universe. Satya Yuga : 14,40,000 Treta Yuga : 10,80,000 Dwapara Yuga : 7,20,000 and Kali Yuga : 3,60,000. collectively span m...

The Mystical Kung Fu of Bruce Lee in Year of the Dragon

This question becomes the subject of various films, for in “Return of the Dragon” (Way of the Dragon 1972), Bruce Lee (kung fu) defeats Chuck Norris (karate, Korean tang soo do) in the final fight scene, but this is just a movie, and of course, the hero, Bruce Lee, with his “Chines...

Mystical Literature: Seeking a Deeper Understanding of the Divine

It is a type of literature that mystics produce to communicate, document, or illustrate their mystical experiences, practices, paths, or traditions. Mystical literature can take various forms, such as poetry, prose, dialogue, narrative, biography, autobiography, commentary, treatise, or scripture...

The Mystical Mathematics and Geometry of the Torah — Adam

We have explored layers of meaning in the narratives of the Torah as a representation of the birth, descent, trials, purification and eventual return of the human soul to the Creator. In this article, we examine specifically at the mathematics and geometry of Adam. We have already explored and...

Mystical Mathematics and Geometry of the Book of Genesis Chapter 1

Introduction The Book of Genesis, Chapter 1, when examined through the lens of Pardes and as a narrative of the soul’s journey, offers a multi-layered spiritual interpretation. In addition we can probe deeper meanings by examining the Hebrew Gematria and hidden geometry using our imaginatio...

Mystical Whispers of the Cunning Fox: Exploring Symbolism in European Culture — Ultra Unlimited

Amidst the hushed forests and ancient landscapes of Europe, a creature of extraordinary mystique has captivated the human imagination for centuries-the cunning fox. Beyond its earthly form, the fox has transcended the realms of reality, becoming a vessel for the intricate tapestries of symbolism tha...

A glimpse into the Andean Mystical Tradition

The Andean Mystical tradition is a path of conscious evolution which offers profound insights on the value of living in ‘ayni ‘ — in sacred reciprocity with nature. In this article we dive into some of the fundamental spiritual beliefs of the earth-based Andean mountain traditio...

The Mystical Mathematics of the Sefer Yetzirah — Basic Introduction

It is a key work in the tradition of Kabbalah, presenting complex ideas about the creation of the universe, the nature of the divine, and the structure of reality through an intricate system of sefirot (divine emanations), letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and the concept of the ten dimensions of real...

The Mystical Geometry of the Most Basic Concepts of Existence

Following on from our recent exploration of the rules and logic of spirituality found in geometry, in this article, we examine the spirituality to be discovered in the geometry of tesselating circle patterns. We propose that three overlapping circles, the trefoil, contain the geometry of the most ba...