Tag: Mutex

Mutex and Lock Internals in Golang

In modern software development, the concept of concurrency pertains to a program’s ability to execute multiple tasks or operations simultaneously. This enables efficient utilization of system resources and enhanced performance. A standout feature of the Go programming language (Golang) is its ...

Mutex Mutual Exclusion in Kotlin Synchronizing Concurrent Access

In concurrent programming, multiple threads often access shared resources concurrently, which can lead to unexpected behavior and data corruption. To ensure safe access and prevent race conditions, Kotlin provides a mechanism called “Mutex” (short for mutual exclusion). A Mutex is a sync...

They asked me this question — what’s the difference between mutex and semaphore during an interview

It seems hard for my friend who is a self-taught developer. Beginning “Last week they asked me what is multi-threading and if have I ever done anything with that, I answered the question”. my friend said. “Okay sounds good, hope you will pass it”. I told him. &ldq...