Tag: Multithreading

5 Multithreading Options in Java

Computing power and performance have skyrocketed since their invention. The number of cores and their potentials are like nothing before, giving your application infinite possibilities. Despite the vast improvement, a single-threaded application can only utilize a maximum of one core and cannot bene...

Exploring Multithreading in Python: A Simple Guide with Examples

Multithreading is a powerful concept in computer science that allows programs to execute multiple threads (smaller units of a process) concurrently within a single process. This means that a program can perform multiple tasks at the same time, improving efficiency and responsiveness. In this article...

Boosting PyTorch Inference on CPU: From Post-Training Quantization to Multithreading

Welcome to another edition of “The Kaggle Blueprints”, where we will analyze Kaggle competitions’ winning solutions for lessons we can apply to our own data science projects. This edition will review the techniques and approaches from the “BirdCLEF 2023&rdqu...