Tag: Multiracials

Half Middle Eastern Multiracials

Providing a MENA Option When a #MENA option is provided, 78.8% of MENA respondents select it & only 20% select White; however, when no MENA option is provided, 85.5% select White (Mathews et al., 2017;  U.S. Census Bureau ). Given that the vast majority of MENA individ...

MultiRacial Erasure in Academia

A student who identifies as South Korean & White (MultiRacial) on enrollment forms is counted as a monoracial South Korean student. A student who identifies as Black & Hispanic & Japanese on enrollment forms is counted as a monoracial Black student. Black is the category of first res...

Interminority Multiracials

Some interminority couples are more common in The South than in Progressive states. White Americans in Progressive states tend to be more open to dating interracially (some states in the Deep South still opposed interracial marriage in large numbers as recently as the 90s) & thus minorities in t...