Tag: Mount

Mount Ararat and Noah’s Ark

The tale of Noah’s Ark is one of the most enduring legends in human history. According to the biblical account, Noah, his family, and a pair of every animal on Earth survived a catastrophic flood that covered the entire planet. But what happened to the Ark after the waters receded? Was it...

Persisting Data In Docker: Volumes & Bind Mount

Containers have changed how developers work, making developing and deploying code easier. In today's dynamic world of software development, it’s important to understand how to work with Docker. So I always tried covering one topic in the blog to help you understand Docker easily. In this a...

SeaweedFS Containerized Cluster Deployment with Fuse Mount Client

SeaweedFS is a distributed storage system for blobs, objects, and files with predictable low latency with O(1) disk seek (Single disk read operation required to read the requested data from the storage). I’ve covered the basics of Seaweedfs in my previous article, so here I’ll go...

Why are tourists always eager to visit Mount Fuji?

Ever looked at a postcard from Japan? Chances are, you’ve seen its majestic centerpiece: Mount Fuji. The tallest peak in Japan isn’t just a mountain; it’s a cultural icon, a spiritual beacon, and a bucket-list destination. Let’s unravel the mystery and the majesty ...

Climbing the Mount of Angels

Is there anything more sublime than watching the sunrise from a mountainside? It is a motif that occurs again and again in art and literature from around the world. This summer, I stayed in a cottage on Mynydd Carningli, a mountain in Pembrokeshire, whose name translates from Welsh as the Mount o...

Why couldn’t anyone climb Mount Kailash? What is the scientific reason for this?

According to mythological beliefs, Lord Shiva resides on Mount Kailash with Mother Parvati and all his Ganas. Many times demons tried to capture Mount Kailash by climbing it but they were never successful in it. Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash Not only Hindu religion but Jain follower...

A Country of Immigrants

My ancestors come from Teberda, a village in the Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia. Small and isolated, Teberda had existed for hundreds of years on the slopes of Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Eastern Europe. A hundred years ago, in that isolated village, Muslims, Russian Orthodox Christ...

The Awakening Of The Powerful Mount Vesuvius

The affluent city of Pompeii was originally settled in the Bronze Age, on an escarpment on the slopes of the Mighty Volcano Vesuvius, just by the mouth of the river Sarno. The ancient city was one of the most important in the Bay of Naples. The blooming site and its surroundings offered severa...

Mount Shasta: A vortex of supernatural energy?

And without a doubt, it must be so, at least geologically, because under it lies a rather dangerous volcano that elegantly exalts the shape of this mountain located in the Cascades ranges in northern California. First of all, we have to admit that it is a place of great natural beauty. It has som...

Pompeii, Italy: A City Frozen in Time by the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

Nestled in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii once thrived as a bustling Roman city. Today, it stands as a poignant symbol of nature’s power and the fragility of human creations. As I meandered through the stone-paved streets, the remnants of Pompeii offered a rare window into daily Roma...