Yo! The month of June we here and you know what that means! The world is about to be swarmed with scantily clad, vibrantly colored, cheerful, happy people. From the LGBTQ community to millions of allies, everyone is about to hit the streets and celebrate sexual liberation and consciousness. R...

7 Beautiful Mosaic-Tiled Stairways in San Francisco

San Francisco is famous for its hills. To help those suffering by foot conquest, staircases have been constructed. These stairways are located throughout the city, often hidden, and sometimes intricately designed with tile. As a recent activity, I’ve started to document the tiled steps I&rs...

Over-the-Road Truckers: The Unsung Mosaic of America

As dawn breaks and a new day unfolds, thousands of over-the-road (OTR) truckers are already on the move, transporting goods that make America thrive. Far from being a homogenous group, these truckers come in all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. They are a diverse tapestry representing the vibrant cul...