Tag: Morrison

How The Morrison Hotel Album Cover Can Change Your Life

It’s tough for me to admit this, but this is a lesson I wish I learned much earlier in life. At least before my forties. I want to use one of my favourite backstories of all time to illustrate these words of wisdom. The Morrison Hotel As a teenager growing up in Northeastern Ohio during ...

A Van Morrison Moment

Shaker Run. I was a production assistant and traveled with the second unit crew to shoot b-roll footage not requiring the primary actors. One day we were filming drive-by car shots on the snowy roads of Mount Cargill. After a few hours in the frigid weather, it started to snow. We hustled to get the...

Toni Morrison: ‘I Am Alarmed By the Willlingness of Women to Enslave Other Women.’

What is unsettling about it is that the story is essentially the story of a household, a world, if you please, of women. Of women gathered to abuse another woman. There is, of course, a vague rather absent father and a nick-of-time prince with a foot fetish. But neither has much personality. The rea...