Tag: Moon

Cry To The Moon.

Delia knew that nobody was coming to save her. She punched a pillow and kicked a door. She screamed loud, with tears streaming down her face. “Why?” She asked herself over and over again. Nobody heard her pain. Pain she had locked inside her for months since her girlfriend had l...

My Cycle Has Changed; I’m A Red Moon Woman

She is the woman who the patriarchy tries to hide in the day, but the shadows continue to expose her. She is the woman who lurks in books that women are discouraged from reading. She is a teacher and encourages discussion from different points of view. She is willing to learn from others if it means...

First Quarter Moon, January 17: The Final Straw

Something’s got to give — and it can’t be the camel’s back again. This lunar cycle thus far, beginning with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, has been full of fireworks and frustration. If we thought people were being responsible before, we’ve since been shown...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries

Moon transiting Aries, Tuesday, January 16th, generates uncomfortable thoughts and feelings triggered by the negative self talk of your inner critic as the moon joins Chiron in Aries, squaring Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn, while the sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn are squaring Jupiter in Tauru...

The Moon enters Aries

The power of the intellect is as strong as it is limiting and has a dangerous tendency to enter an infinite and infinitely sterile loop. And among its capabilities is telepathy, in an equally risky way, to the extent that this loop can be driven by a third person and become exhausting. In this year ...

Notes on the New Moon in Capricorn, 1.11.24 @ 6:57am EST

If you feel this way, know that you are not alone. I am with you! In my world the first week and a half of 2024 life has felt like a suspended animation fever dream. A foggy, surreal, hot mess of technical malfunctions, scrambled communication, with unexpected changes and course corrections a-plenty...

Astrology, Jan 14, 2024. Writing a New Story

The Dreamtime energies of the intuitive and oceanic water of the Pisces Moon feel as if we are birthing something from chaos as we approach the big energy shifts at the end of the month. The Lunar opposition to way-shower Hekate, as she moves retrograde towards a second conjunction with Regulus a...

Do These 4 Things During The Pisces Moon Transit Follow The New Moon in Capricorn

Not only should you do this for yourself but you should also be mindful of other people’s boundaries too. Boundaries may feel uncomfortable initially but for healthy relationships, they are necessary. Make sure you are not putting too much strain on someone else when you should be managing YOU...


The New Moon lunar phase is an energetically potent time to attract newness into our lives. Three days before and after, the energy of the New Moon helps us shift to a clearer perspective that can inspire us to take action towards our manifestations. Because of the Moon’s position in between E...

You Get 10 Wishes! New Moon Magic

Any wishes are powerful when made on a new moon, but if you align any of your wishes with the energy of the sign it is in, they get bonus energy from that sign & the sun! This new moon is in Capricorn. Capricorn is the “work” sign. He can help with your vocation or career. He&rsqu...

Full Moon in Leo

Full moons are a time of harvest — an opportunity to celebrate your hard work and dedication as we move toward the energy of the next New Moon in two weeks. This time of heightened lunar energy amplifies manifestations and intentions set during the preceding New Moon phase, enhancing...

New Moon Horoscopes: January 11th, 2024

What an energy this is. Capricorn is such a rockstar in my eyes. Stoic, self-assured, hardworking, wise, motivated, and disciplined. I love it. Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash There is a big energy of work that needs to be done, but before we can get to work there are b...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aries

Moon transiting Aries, Tuesday, January 16th, generates uncomfortable thoughts and feelings triggered by the negative self talk of your inner critic as the moon joins Chiron in Aries, squaring Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn, while the sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn are squaring Jupiter in Tauru...

Notes on the New Moon in Capricorn, 1.11.24 @ 6:57am EST

If you feel this way, know that you are not alone. I am with you! In my world the first week and a half of 2024 life has felt like a suspended animation fever dream. A foggy, surreal, hot mess of technical malfunctions, scrambled communication, with unexpected changes and course corrections a-plenty...

Daily Horoscope: New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn, Thursday, January 11th, heralds the beginning of momentous changes and transformation in your personal life, as well as globally, but sacrifice or loss may accompany progress and success, as the moon and sun in Capricorn join Pluto in Capricorn, forming a trine aspect to Uranu...

New Moon in Capricorn

Before we get into a message from the spiritual guides, let’s talk about the energy we can expect, from a New Moon in Capricorn Within Tarot, Capricorn is represented by ‘The Devil’ card energy, drawing in the energy of business acumen, controlling tendencies, motivations, inner...

Music for the Capricorn New Moon

Begin Again Every new moon is a beginning. So this time, we had to start with the Capricorn queen herself, Taylor Swift. This song highlights the contradiction of a Capricorn new moon. On the one hand, Capricorn likes to look back, but here we are on the threshold of something new. If you need a ...

Baby Moon: How the Moon Influences Your Child

Let us first turn our attention to the moon. For all the obsessing there is online in regards to which sun sign your child will be born under, there is another planetary placement that I would argue might be even more important during the young child period between ages 0–7… And that is...

Mother, Moon, and Astrology On This Mother’s Day

Astrology is a symbolic language, using luminaries, planets, fixed stars and asteroids, to represent the physical, emotional, mental, and psychological realities on Earth. Their mathematical distances from a geo- (Earth-) centric perspective are measured in degrees along the ecliptic (Zodiac) and ho...

Your Moon in Taurus

When your moon is in Taurus, you possess a stable and grounded emotional nature. This is a wonderful place to have your Moon as Taurus is a sign where the Moon feel quite at home and will therefore be operating at full capacity. Taurus is an earth sign known for its practicality and a strong connect...

Your Moon in Gemini

Having a Mercury-ruled moon like yours offers a whirlwind of experiences. Your emotional landscape dances to the rhythm of communication, intellect, and adaptability. Your mind craves variety and thrives on the stimulation of diverse ideas and perspectives. You likely find emotional fulfillment thro...

Full Moon Horoscopes December 26th, 2023

This full moon happening on December 26th, 2023 is called The Cold Moon. (my intuitive mind keeps wanting to call it the Gold Moon, something magickal must be on the way for us.) This moon is sitting in the sign of Cancer. There is still some rebirth happening. In the previous month there was ...

The Full Moon in Caillou

Intro So yeah like if you’ve been feeling really bitchy, don’t worry. The Moon is in Cancer now and we’re approaching a Full Moon. The Moon will be forming an opposite with The Sun which is in dutiful, restrictive Capricorn. Our professional world will be at odds with our person...

**Moon Reading Horoscope: Navigating Emotions and Insights through Lunar Wisdom**

This article may include affiliate links, which means that if you click on one and decide to purchase something, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. In the realm of astrology, the moon holds a profound influence on our emotions, intuition, and subconscious mind. Moon Reading Horos...

Wiggle of a Moon

There was a time, a long time ago, when the moon was just the beautiful moon. It is, after all, the same moon, that every single person looks up to the sky at night, and sees. (This is a good reminder to us, about our equality here, on this ball, that looks out on other balls.) But. In those long ag...

Killers of the Flower moon review

Indigenous stories have recently and slowly become more frequent in cinema and television. These were for a long time stories that painted one kind of picture on different screens. In this history books there is a looot more we don’t know. Thanks to people like Wes Studi, Graham Green, Orianka...

It Didn’t Stop with the Osage: Examining the Impact of Global Trade on Indigenous Communities in the Wake of Killers of the Flower Moon

The movie is based on a book with the same name written by David Grann. The plot centers on a series of murders of members of the Osage tribe in Oklahoma in the 1920s after oil was discovered on their land. In the book, Grann depicts the investigation by the burgeoning FBI and a young J. Edgar Hoove...

Does Saturn’s Moon Mimas Have a Hidden Ocean?

This is not the first time astronomers have suggested an underground ocean on Mimas. In 2014, a look at data from NASA’s Cassini probe showed that the moon has a wobble in its rotation. While a slight wobble is normal (our own Moon wobbles slightly during its orbit), the 2014 paper f...

See Io, our most volcanic moon, erupt like never before

Two spacecraft from the 20th century imaged it up close: Voyager 1 and Galileo. On July 3, 1999, NASA’s Galileo spacecraft made its closest-ever approach to Jupiter’s moon Io, coming within 130,000 kilometers (80,000 miles) of its surface. A series of images were ta...

Jupiter’s Explosive Moon — Io

We’re going back to Jupiter! JUICE, or the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, has launched this Friday and is now headed towards Jupiter. There, it’ll collect and survey the three icy and large moons for show — Ganymede, Callisto and Europa, each with its own subsurface ocean to explore. ...

Why Does the Full Moon Look Freaking Huge on the Horizon?

When a full moon lifts off the horizon, it can seem much larger compared to later, when it’s high up and teeny tiny. Many swear it actually is larger on the horizon. Others say that some sort of magical atmospheric lighting effects make it appear bigger (Aristotle apparently tho...

How many times must you fold a paper to reach the Moon?

Its orbital distance ranges from 356,000 to 407,000 km. A perigee full Moon compared with an apogee full Moon, where the former is 14% larger and the latter is 12% smaller than the other. The longest lunar eclipses possible correspond to the smallest apogee full Moons of all. At apogee, the M...

Why It Took 55 Years for the Latest Moon Landing (Part 2)

What explains the half-century gap between the historic NASA-led Apollo moon missions of the 1960s and the commercial moon landing last week? It’s a question that’s been on my mind. In fact, I’ve been perplexed by the official public explanation ever since I started studying ...

Does Saturn’s Moon Mimas Have a Hidden Ocean?

This is not the first time astronomers have suggested an underground ocean on Mimas. In 2014, a look at data from NASA’s Cassini probe showed that the moon has a wobble in its rotation. While a slight wobble is normal (our own Moon wobbles slightly during its orbit), the 2014 paper f...

See Io, our most volcanic moon, erupt like never before

the most volcanically active world is Jupiter’s innermost large moon: Io. When one of Jupiter’s moons passes behind our Solar System’s largest planet, it falls into the planet’s shadow, becoming dark. When sunlight begins striking the moon again, we don’t see it ...

How Astrophysicists First Saw an Exoplanet’s Moon

In recent years, we’ve all become accustomed to astrophysicists regularly discovering new exoplanetary systems, with the number of known exoplanets increasing by hundreds every year. However, thanks to the powerful ALMA telescope in Chile, astronomers recently discovered a circumplanetary disk...

Lessons From India’s Successful Moon Landing

Mygood friend Sanjay pinged me in the morning with the good news, an excerpt, and a link from the BBC stating “India’s Moon rover has taken first steps on the lunar surface a day after the country made history by becoming the first to land near the South Pole.” While I wa...

full moon virgo in the leap year portal

invisible forces twist your brain handshake with truth, until you shy away some of us stay, ruthless and cunning venetian guesswork from a ray of light shadows among the particles divine wisdom at night spectors of lust on blasted hands Read More