Tag: Monitor

How to Monitor/Observe Network Availability for Android Projects

Network/Cellular data is widely used in Android Projects. Most of the app currently exist in the play store have API call some way or another. As in the nature of API (Application Programming Interface), you are interacting with another application that your project does not have any authority in th...

Control and monitor your Docker containers with Python

Use Python to control your docker containers! Here is a walkthrough how to get started. It is based on a test of three popular packages for handling tabular data. Git Repo: https://github.com/martinkarlssonio/polars-pandas-spark If you would like to read on the data aspect of this test th...

How to Monitor Jenkins Using Prometheus, Node exporter and Grafana

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting system used to collect and store metrics from various sources. It is designed to monitor highly dynamic environments like cloud-native applications or microservices. Prometheus allows you to track and analyze the performance and health of your app...

How to Effortlessly Monitor Serverless Applications with CloudWatch — Part One

In this two-post series, you will learn to monitor serverless services with CloudWatch by building dashboards, widgets and alarms with AWS CDK. In this post, you will learn what it means to monitor a serverless service, why it is essential, and how to build CloudWatch dashboards to monitor your s...

Databricks: Monitor the UC+DLT pipelines

In this article, let's quickly discuss (hack) how to monitor UC+DLT pipelines owned by the Service Principals. As per Databricks Documentation, it can be done using a Table Valued Function, event_log. Start a Shared Compute Cluster or DB SQL Warehouse and execute the followi...

Use Docker, Uptime Kuma, and Traefik To Monitor Your Website

Within this article, I want to show how you can set up website monitoring from your local PC or a server with Docker/Docker Swarm. Instead of using complicated monitoring stacks like prometheus, node-exporter, or graphana I want to show a lightweight alternative called Uptime Kuma which is written i...

How to Hide a Computer Monitor with Style and Elegance?

Even though they are necessary for our everyday work and entertainment, computer monitors might not always match our interior decor perfectly. Thankfully, there are original ways to conceal a computer monitor without compromising your space’s appearance or usefulness. We’ll look at a few...