Bleeding Disorders and College — University of Miami

College is a challenge for all students who seek higher education, regardless of their medical situations. For families and individuals with bleeding disorders, the thought of college may be intimidating. Some patients or caretakers may benefit from hearing testimonials and personal accounts from st...

12.11.2023 Motivation Mondays: The Care & Generosity Issue

Today, with one of my clients, we convened a group of some of the most transformational creatives shaping pop culture, translating research into action. My main takeaway from this convening is how 2023 is the product of a massive pop culture expansion of care and caregiving in our consciousness. Thi...

MedTech Mondays — Edition#79

Nanotechnology is ushering in a new era of medical breakthroughs, operating at the intersection of science and imagination to redefine the boundaries of healthcare. By harnessing the power of the minuscule, nanotech is poised to deliver unprecedented advancements in how we diagnose, treat, and pr...

MedTech Mondays — Edition#77

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, precision takes centre stage, especially in the realm of speciality pharmaceuticals. These unique medications stand apart from traditional drugs, demanding vigilant clinical monitoring to navigate severe side effects, frequent dosage adjustments, and spe...