Tag: Moleculars

Exploring the Wonders of Molecular Biology

One of the key aspects of molecular biology is the deciphering of the genetic code, which specifies how the sequence of nucleotides in DNA translates into the sequence of amino acids in proteins. DNA replication, a crucial process for cell division, ensures the faithful transmission of genetic infor...

Introduction to Molecular Modelling: Part 2 (Optimization)

This is the part 2 of the ongoing series of blogs, where I write about the how-to of the molecular modelling. These are focused mainly on its software side (GAMESS) instead of the theory. Optimization is a process is that is routine in molecular modelling. It is generally used to find stationary ...

Introduction to Molecular Modelling: Part 6 (Calculating Free Energy of Activation)

This is another part of the series of blogs about molecular modelling, mainly about the actual usage of the software, rather than the detailed theory. The QM calculations are done with GAMESS, and visualisation with wxMacMolPlt. One of the main uses of quantum chemistry is to calculate the Gibbs ...