Tag: Minority

The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority

The best example I know that gives insights into the functioning of a complex system is with the following situation. It suffices for an intransigent minority –a certain type of intransigent minorities –to reach a minutely small level, say three or four percent of the total population, f...

Being a Minority in the Minority

I grew up in the west and was raised in a muslim family. Like all the muslim kids who went to predominantly white schools after 9/11, I got bullied. Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I dealt with all of it : the racism, the islamophobia, the ignorance, the “not even water”, the in...

A little explainer for the upcoming minority holiday

I hope your Pesach preparations are proceeding apace! As we all prepare for Pesach, some of our Christian students and staff may be preparing for their own week of holidays, which, however, does not coincide with Pesach. The week commemorates the last week before the Christian prophet Yeshu&rsquo...

Democrats have been a minority on the Supreme Court since 1970

National polls have shown that most citizens do not wish her, or anyone, to be appointed until after the presidential election. A few Democrats have argued that if Barrett is appointed, seats should be added to the Supreme Court to balance its philosophical views. President Donald Trump...

American Indians — The Unheard Minority

As protests continue to rise over police policies and racial injustices, it becomes apparent that America is entering another civil rights movement. Many people have taken to the pedestal to lead the charge in social reformation. One such spokesperson is Rev. Al Sharpton, who gave a eulogy&nbsp...

Sincere Thoughts About Dear White America: A Letter To a New Minority

White people of America, someone from y’all’s team would like to have a word with you. Since I’ve now had the pleasure of reading what he wants you to know, I’m going to advise that you prepare yourselves to listen and listen well. As most of you are aware, this month...

Most minority women feel ignored by the skincare industry, according to new study

The average woman will spend $20,466.72 on skincare in her adult lifetime, according to new research. Within the span of a month a woman will spend $27.96 on skincare — or $335.52 every year. A study of 1,000 general population women and 1,000 women of color explored the seemingly never-...