Tag: Melting

Melting Faces and Midnight Prayers

The following poem is about not getting ANY sleep after bringing home a baby. I had the weirdest images of my entire life go through my mind during this time of no sleep. After a few weeks, I beat insomnia. One visualization I used to help during this time was imagining myself asleep on a huge ...

Melting Faces and Midnight Prayers

Note to readers: The following poem is about not getting ANY sleep after bringing home a baby. I had the weirdest images of my entire life go through my mind during this time of no sleep. After a few weeks, I beat insomnia. One visualization I used to help during this time was imagining myself ...

Melting in Madrid

Madrid was lucky to have a goat track running through it in the mid-1500s, pitiful as it was back then, but in a Machiavellian stroke of royal genius, the place became Spain’s capital at a time when it was approaching the apex of its world power. Nearby Toledo, the logical choice, got the cold...

Is New York City Really the Melting Pot of the World?

From the food scene to the arts and cultural experiences, this city is celebrated for its cultural vibrancy and tolerance. New York City is the land of diversity, cultural harmony, and rich history. With a population of over 8.4 million people, New York offers an immersive experience of...

New York City: The Melting Pot of Culture and Opportunity

New York City, also known as the “Big Apple,” is one of the most iconic and diverse cities in the world. With a population of over 8 million people, it is a melting pot of cultures and a hub of opportunity. From the bright lights of Times Square to the towering skyscrapers of Wall Street...

Reflections on Multiracialism

Throughout childhood, we learn the U.S. is the world’s “melting pot.” I took this to mean that there are a lot of people like me — people of two or more races. But that’s not true. The U.S. Census reported that only 2.8% of the US population is composed of peo...

The Flame of Love: Melting Ice with Warmth

Min kropp är nerkyld av luftens kalla kyla Varje vindpust är som ett slag emot mig Jag börjar tvivla på livets glädje Tills jag träffade dig För du är kvinnan som utstrålar kärlek Du är kvinnan som tillför mig lycka I din trygga f...