Tag: Melody

How Meta’s AI Generates Music Based on a Reference Melody

MusicGen by Meta On June 13th, 2023, Meta (formerly Facebook) made waves in the music and AI communities with the release of their generative music model, MusicGen. This model not only surpasses Google’s MusicLM, which was launched earlier this year, in terms of capabilities but is also tra...

Praha Through Melody

Ispent the month of July in Prague alone and on my first solo international adventure. I lived in the Czech countryside and would take a bus and two trains into the city every morning to attend classes. On my commutes, I listened to a wide range of music, but nonetheless, a range that embodied the e...

Harmony Rediscovered — The Forgotten Melody

In the quietude of a coastal town where the waves whispered tales of times gone by, there lived an old man named Samuel. Each day, he found solace on the weathered porch of his cottage, his eyes tracing the rhythmic dance of the ocean. Samuel, once a maestro of melodies that mirrored the very soul o...