Tag: Meetup

Bangkok Identity Meetup

Digital identity should not be directly linked to your digital assets, bank statements, NFTs held, etc. There should be an intermediate layer that protects user privacy while providing information necessary for apps to function properly. DID is an umbrella term that encapsulates projects and service...

A Few Abstract Shots From A Photography Meetup

Since returning to Berlin, I have realized that I don’t have many friends here anymore. Some of them have moved away and others are busy. Therefore, I am trying to make more connections. Currently, I am searching for a job and a flat, as well as more friends. Although finding a job and a flat ...

Inter Meetup review

For those who don’t know what a Meetup is, they are sessions, supported in some cases by a platform, to share and promote information, knowledge, best practices, all at no cost for attendees. There are communities of all sorts scattered everywhere, people with common interests coming together ...

From Nature to Systems Thinking | Meetup Summary (Dec 9, 2020)

How can your green actions have an impact at the local and systemic levels? Organized by We Are Museums, within the programme ‘Museums Facing Extinction’, our online community meetup took place on December 9, 2020. The event tagged ‘From Nature to Systems Thinking’ hosted ...