Tag: mechanics

The secret power of RPG mechanics

The Learning Curve Have you ever started a new hobby, only to drop it after a few weeks? You might have paid a membership fee to a club, bought fancy equipment, and even paid for classes, only to give up after a couple of months. It might have been pottery classes, it might have been golf, it mig...

Why Game Mechanics and Story should Converge in Your Next Indie Game Project

Dig deep into your memory and find the very first game you ever played. Or the oldest one you can remember. What was the game’s story? Chances are there was little to no narrative focus, and even if there was the details are quite unremarkable. There are two possible reasons for this lack of s...

Quantum Mechanics: A Beginner’s Guide to the Mysterious World of Atoms and Particles

In our world, things are usually straightforward and logical. For example, a car is resting or moving, or a man is walking or sitting. There is no middle ground or a combination of states from a macroscopic level. Quantum Physics, as we know it, is complicated and hard to comprehend. To be pre...

The Quantum Pool: Exploring Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics, where the laws of classical physics unravel, beckons us into a realm of profound mystery and fascination. It’s a journey into the infinitesimally small, where particles dance in a dance of uncertainty and probability. From Max Planck’s daring proposition of quantized e...

Pierre-Simon Laplace: The Architect of Celestial Mechanics

Pierre-Simon Laplace, one of the most influential mathematicians and astronomers of the 18th and 19th centuries, was born on March 23, 1749, in Beaumont-en-Auge, Normandy, France. He was the son of a smallholder, Pierre Laplace, and his wife, Marie-Anne Sochon. Laplace’s early life was marked ...