Tag: Maximum

How I Get Maximum Results In Minimum Time

Imagine this: there’s a bank account that deposits 86,400 every single morning. With only one condition it carries no balance; whatever is not spent is gone. What would you do if you are just like me? Probably, you are going to spend every single penny off. Right? The fact is tha...

A strengths-based approach for maximum optimization

Simmons et al., (2013) defined a strengths-based approach as one that “focuses on using an individual’s strengths to improve their overall functioning, rather than solely addressing weaknesses” (*Note: this doesn’t mean completely ignoring weaknesses). Stren...

Invest in Some Simple Investments for Maximum Returns on Time and Effort

You can use the handy 401(k) calculator on the Vanguard website to determine your contributions. Simply enter your age, current salary and anticipated raises into the tool, and it will tell you how much you should be contributing every year so that by age 65 (the earliest age for withdrawals), you&r...

Calculating the maximum diagonal distance in a given collection of GeoJSON features using turf.js and lots of speed

I worked really hard to write an engaging, catchy, intelligent, and funny introduction to this article, but it was a hard struggle. Being a problem solver, I solved this problem with modern tooling. Behold, I present to you the introduction to this article written by ChatGPT in the style o...

The Principle of Maximum Entropy

When we toss a die the observed result can range between 1 and 6. Suppose that we are given a die and we are told that it was tossed multiple times yielding an average of 4.7 rather than 3.5 that someone would expect from a fair regular symmetrical die. Given this information how one should upd...

5 Ways to Use Google Chrome for Maximum Efficiency

I’m on Chrome all day. Between Gmail, work research, fun browsing, Google Meet, and of course Medium, Chrome is my connection to the digital world. If you’re not careful, though, Chrome can become a time suck. It’s too easy to find yourself in a Wikipedia rabbit hole or read end...