Tag: Mathematics

From Student to Educator: A Journey of Love for Mathematics and STEM

For what feels like ages, I've been itching to share the incredible tale of my journey to becoming a math and science educator. From my earliest days in primary school, I had the privilege of being guided by the most amazing teachers and mentors who not only opened my eyes to the wonders of Math...

From Student to Educator: A Journey of Love for Mathematics and STEM

For what feels like ages, I've been itching to share the incredible tale of my journey to becoming a math and science educator. From my earliest days in primary school, I had the privilege of being guided by the most amazing teachers and mentors who not only opened my eyes to the wonders of Math...

Top 6 Programming Languages for Mathematics

Any one who is interested in mathematics or plans to study it, should have at least some fluency with programming languages. Not only will you be more employable, you will also be able to understand and explore the mathematics in a deeper way. So what languages should you learn? 1. Python Pyth...

Mathematics in Economics: a Defense of Early Learning

A text directed to my younger self when he was just starting his undergraduate degree in Economics. The depth and reach of Mathematics in Economics were unimaginable to him back there. Besides, this text is directed to anyone starting to study Economics seriously who may doubt the relevance of Mathe...

The Mystical Mathematics and Geometry of the Torah — Adam

We have explored layers of meaning in the narratives of the Torah as a representation of the birth, descent, trials, purification and eventual return of the human soul to the Creator. In this article, we examine specifically at the mathematics and geometry of Adam. We have already explored and...

How Mathematics Can Help Us Understand Consciousness

The real questions are: how can we approach the problem of consciousness from a rigorous and objective perspective? Is there a way to quantify and model the phenomena of awareness, feelings, thoughts, and selfhood? There is no definitive answer to this question, but some researchers have a...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Mathematics: A Journey Through Numbers

The Beauty of Numbers At its essence, mathematics is the study of numbers and their relationships. From the simple counting of objects to the intricate patterns found in prime numbers, numbers form the building blocks of mathematical exploration. One of the most fascinating aspects of numbers is ...

The Mystical Mathematics of the Sefer Yetzirah — Basic Introduction

It is a key work in the tradition of Kabbalah, presenting complex ideas about the creation of the universe, the nature of the divine, and the structure of reality through an intricate system of sefirot (divine emanations), letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and the concept of the ten dimensions of real...

The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Mathematics: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Numbers

Welcome to the fascinating world where cutting-edge technology meets the realm of numbers. In this blog post, we will delve into the captivating intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Mathematics, uncovering how these two fields are revolutionizing each other. Prepare to be amazed as we ex...

The Mystical Mathematics of Geometry — The Rules and Logic of Spirituality & Real-Life Examples

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, measurements, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. The basic rules and logic of geometry are founded on definitions, axioms (or postulates), and theorems. The intersection of geometry with spiritualit...

DeepMind’s AlphaGeometry — New Milestone in AI Mathematics!

Groundbreaking Achievement in AI In a remarkable breakthrough, Google DeepMind’s researchers have developed an AI system, AlphaGeometry, that’s turning heads in the world of mathematics. This isn’t just any AI system; it’s one that can solve complex geometry problems typical...

When Art meets Mathematics and Geometry

Art and mathematics, seemingly unrelated disciplines, share a deep and intricate connection that has been woven throughout history. The fusion of geometry and mathematics in art has given rise to some of the most breathtaking masterpieces, demonstrating the profound influence of mathematical princip...

Theorems, Properties, and Transformations of Geometry (AI’s Insights on Mathematics #4–4)

As we delve deeper into the mesmerizing world of geometry, we now arrive at the heart of mathematical deductions — the theorems and properties that govern the universe of shapes and spaces. These principles not only define the relationships between various geometric entitie...

The Mathematics of Risk

First, a brief summary of Risk. The objective in the game is to conquer the globe, which is accomplished by placing down troops and battling other players. The battle is what we’ll focus on. A battle is started when an attacker chooses to invade the territory of another player, in which the at...

The Enigma of Ancient Mayan Mathematics

The Mayan civilization, which reached its height between AD 250 and 900, was known for its advanced knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. One of the most intriguing aspects of Mayan mathematics is their use of the base-20 number system, which includes the concept of zero as a placeh...

The Heart of Mathematics

It has been dubbed “the fingerprint of God” and is in my opinion one of the most interesting and beautiful objects in mathematics. Not only is it interesting, it is also beautiful. In this short article, we will see what this mysterious set really is and why it is important,...