Tag: Marriages

A Tale of Two Marriages

Ibegan to question the various motifs of the white feminist narrative and especially, the high value placed on ‘independence’, when I realized the pain and vulnerability of Kitty’s social situation in comparison with the level of love, respect, security, and sheer adoration that my...

Dinos Eat People and Marriages But Most Are Vegetarians

I’m not a dinosaur per se, but I have dinosaur emotions. In fact, we all have dinosaur emotions. Especially married people. I have a T-Rex inside me who sticks her head out of my ears when my husband and I are not having such a jolly time together and sensibilities have become prehistoric. ...

Do 50% of Marriages really Fail?

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” “We only use 10% of our brain’s capacity.” “Half of marriages end in divorce.” What is the common thread between these three statements? They are actually all myths; based on misguided concepts &mda...