Tag: Looking

A Really, Really, Ridiculously Good-Looking Guy Wanted to Date Me

Shortly before the beginning of my freshman year of college, I broke up with my high school sweetheart. I wanted to allow myself the whole “college experience” without being tied down. Thanks to a new social media website called “The Facebook” I knew there were a lot of cute ...

Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars

When a plumber arrived today to solve a gutter problem in my backyard, he looked at me and said: “I saw you in the news. Your job is to look at the stars!” This reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s insight: “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ...

Through the Looking Glass

Introduction AWS traffic mirroring is a feature introduced by Amazon Web Services (AWS) on June 25th, 2019. After the release, Mike LoSapio of  Palantir  identified that it might pose a risk, and suggested that I research the feature as part of the partnership between our two...

“But You’re Not Even Looking! Look!”

A lot of the time, this means that I tend to go dark on people. As in, I just don’t have much time to actually chat. Or, if I do have time, I want to faceplant in my bed and not move for a bit. My friends understand my situation because it’s been a rough year financially and I’m...

Through the Looking Glass

Led by physicist Maria Spiropulu and her team at the California Institute of Technology, the physicists utilized Google’s quantum computer Sycamore to implement a novel “wormhole teleportation protocol.” This achievement marks a pivotal moment in our understanding of the connection...