Tag: Logic

Architecting Validation Logic: A Java/Spring Boot Implementation in Clean Architecture

In the process of developing and implementing a new service/API, sometimes the question arises regarding where to place the validation logic. I will attempt to provide a perspective on its placement and provide an example of its implementation in Clean Architecture using Java/Spring Boot, utilizing ...

Streamlining Request Validation in Laravel: Separating Logic with Request Classes

In the world of Laravel development, ensuring the security and integrity of your application’s data is paramount. Laravel provides robust tools for handling HTTP requests, but it’s crucial to keep your controllers clean and focused on their primary tasks. This is where Request Classes co...

Implementing Logic Gates using Neural Networks (Part 2)

Hello everyone!! Before starting with part 2 of implementing logic gates using Neural networks, you would want to go through part1 first. From part 1, we had figured out that we have two input neurons or x vector having values as x1 and x2 and 1 being the bias value. The input values, i...

Logic Lens™ Analysis: “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler — Part 3

Onthe outskirts of the small market town of Lambach in Upper Austria, he bought a farm and tilled it himself. Thus, at the end of a long and hard-working career, he came back to the life which his father had led. It was at this period that I first began to have ideals of my own. I spent a good de...