Tag: Logging

Slog: The Future Face of Go Logging?

Go 1.21 introduced structured logging to the standard library. A much-anticipated feature is now available within the familiar log package under the aptly named slog sub-package. This advancement employs key-value pairs to enable rapid parsing, filtering, and analysis of logs, ad...

Modern Logging Solutions: A Deep Dive into Elasticsearch, Kibana, Node.js, and Docker

In the realm of software development, logging and monitoring play a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability, performance, and security of applications. Developers and system administrators rely on these practices to gain insights into how their software behaves in real-world scenarios and to prompt...

History of the Electronic Logging Device

Surprisingly, this small mandate comes in a time where “driverless trucks” are becoming a reality. For outsiders of the trucking world, an ELD seems like an invention of the 90s rather than a hotly debated device in 2017. The truth is that ELDs have been around for a while, but these sim...