Tag: LlaMa2

First Test of LlaMa2: Meta’s Leap in the World of Open-Source LLMs

Meta’s launch of LlaMa2, an advanced open-source LLM (Large Language Model), has created excitement amongst AI enthusiasts for a number of reasons. Meta’s origin as a social media platform notwithstanding, the release of LlaMa2 has solidly positioned it as an AI power...

This Is Why You Can’t Use Llama-2

Open-Source Foundation Models We have seen an explosion of open-source foundation models with the likes of Llama-2, Falcon, and Bloom, to name a few. However, the largest of these models are pretty much impossible to use for a person of modest means. Large language models have a...

How to Fine-Tune Llama2 for Python Coding on Consumer Hardware

Introduction Our previous article covered Llama 2 in detail, presenting the family of Large Language models (LLMs) that Meta introduced recently and made available for the community for research and commercial use. There are variants already designed for specific tasks; for example, Llama2-Chat f...

Using LLaMA 2.0, FAISS and LangChain for Question-Answering on Your Own Data

Over the past few weeks, I have been playing around with several large language models (LLMs) and exploring their potential with all sorts of methods available on the internet, but now it’s time for me to share what I have learned so far! I was super excited to know that Meta released the n...