Tag: Lipsticks

The Lipstick’s Lament

She left me on the sink. Right beside the cold tap that still dripped from the night before; the space now empty of loud chatter and gossip, which had eventually dwindled to silence. The overhead light had been extinguished at around 11.30 pm, and as I heard the faint click of the key in the stre...

A Cigarette that Bears a Lipstick’s Traces

Anna May Wong had many lovers. She was a movie star, after all, and a legendary beauty at that. Her slim-cut figure and graceful gait seduced more than a few in her day, sometimes without her even trying. British composer Constant Lambert, who first set eyes on the actress as the Mongol slave in&nbs...

From “Keeping Up” to Building an Empire: Kylie Jenner Turned Lipsticks and Limelight into Billions

Remember those grainy Instagram shots of luscious, candy-coated lips? The world collectively gasped as then-17-year-old Kylie Jenner unveiled her first “Lip Kit” back in 2014. What started as a teenage passion project, fueled by $250,000 of her own modeling income, has blossomed into a b...