Tag: Lineage

It Is Well with My Soul: My Departure from the S.N. Goenka Lineage

On September 17, 2019, I made a hard decision. I decided to leave the spiritual organization I called home. For 17-years, I sat vipassana meditation courses in the tradition of S.N. Goenka. During that time, I hardly ever ventured beyond that lineage mainly because it’s wholly d...

About the ‘Ancient East Eurasian’ genetic lineage

Modern humans of the Initial Upper Paleolithic wave and material culture (IUP) are suggested to have expanded from a population hub through a star-like expansion pattern (>45kya), and are broadly ancestral to modern populations in Eastern Eurasia, Oceania, and the Americas, notably East Asians, S...

Origin of the AASI lineage and its specific regional substructure

Shinde et al. 2019 noted that both Andamanese Onge or East Siberian groups can be used as proxy for the non-West Eurasian-related component in the “qpAdm” admixture-modelling of AASI, because both populations “have the same phylogenetic relationship to the non-West Eurasian-related...

About the ‘Ancient East Eurasian’ genetic lineage

The term Ancient East Eurasian, alternatively also known as East Eurasian or Eastern Eurasian, is used in population genomics to describe the genetic ancestry and phylogenetic relationship of diverse populations primarily living in the Asia-Pacific region, belonging to the “Eastern Eurasian cl...