Tag: Limit

The Roche Limit

The Roche Limit was first conceptualised by the French astronomer Édouard Roche, he is mainly known for his contributions in celestial mechanics. To start, I’ll illustrate the idea with an example, I feel like that will be a lot more conducive towards understanding what this actually...

Proof of the Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is fundamental in statistical fields and probability theory, and allows us to make quantitative probability statements when given sufficiently large enough number of samples, under the standard normal distribution. It is a beautiful distribution that fundamentally occ...

Central Limit Theorem: a real-life application

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is one of the most popular theorems in statistics and it’s very useful in real world problems. In this article we’ll see why the Central Limit Theorem is so useful and how to apply it. In a lot of situations where you use statistics, the ultimate goal i...

Central Limit Theorem

Unveiling the Central Limit Theorem: From Normal Distributions to Galton Boards Introduction: In the world of statistics, understanding the characteristics of data distributions is crucial for making reliable inferences about populations. One key concept that plays a pivotal role in this realm...

Notes on the Central Limit Theorem

Theory Let Xᵢ with i = {1 … n} be n random variables (r.v.), independently distributed with distributions Dᵢ not necessarily identical, but with the same mean μ and variance σ². (1) Let us define the “...