Tag: Lie

If You’re Going To Lie, Go Bigly

Iwas raised to believe that honesty was next to godliness, or at least something very close. We were told repeatedly that nothing was as bad as lying. The first time I came home drunk — to a very strict, fundamentalist Christian home, I might add — what I got in trouble for was lying, no...

Practice makes a man perfect, it’s a lie.

Practice, practice, practice; practice doesn't make you perfect; practice makes improvement. Yes, the quote we've been told since our childhood: "Practice makes you perfect." No, it doesn't; it only brings improvement. Wondering why I'm saying this? Think about a famous ...

Why Lie to Ourselves?

If there were anyone you could be honest with, you’d think it would be you. But how open are you with yourself? Do you always tell yourself the truth, or do you sometimes skirt it? What you say and do in life molds you into who you are, including lying and being honest. Which would you rath...

Makes Me Lie Down

From 2020 to the present I do not know what it is like to be a shepherd, but I do know when I am trying to care and when I am being cared for. The people on horses walk with the cattle to guide them and rescue them when one goes astray. The fences that animals rub against, push through, jump over...

Here I Lie

I stare at the ceiling, stare at the sky, time flies by. I scuttle along a dirt track, climb over a stile into a cornfield in the previous century I see no blood-red poppies, merely blue cornflowers and the witch Hazel. Now, I’m stuck in the backroom off of Clapham Green, where the black mold ...

The Lie Algebra for Lie Groups in Robotics

Abig part of why we use Lie groups for robotics is because they enable efficient optimization for large scale robotics problems. The reason why Lie groups enable this is because we can represent objects like rotation matrices in lower dimensions and perform unconstrained optimization inste...