Tag: Libraries

Six Amazing Unknown Python Libraries

I’ve been using Python extensively for the last two years. As a result, I’m always looking for amazing libraries that can enhance my work in Data Engineering and Business Intelligence projects. 1. Pendulum Although many libraries are available in Python for DateTime, I find Pendulu...

The Tones of Friendship

Growing up, you’d say it’s not easy to make friends. As you get older, say past 40, it’s not easy to keep friends. That’s not me having a mood. It’s the gospel truth. It’s been said, “You are the friends you keep.” I won’t dispute that althoug...

Simplify Your Android UI with SDP and SSP Libraries

Developing Android applications often requires creating responsive user interfaces that work well on a variety of devices with different screen sizes and densities. Designing layouts to be adaptive and visually appealing on all these devices can be a challenging task. Thankfully, there are libraries...

How Do Libraries Expand Access To the Arts?

Libraries play host to a variety of community needs. They provide access to information and technology, open up spaces for collaboration and escape, and implement programs and events that enrich the community. In times when STEM related subjects are emphasized, libraries make sure to cultivate and s...

Legal and justice related python libraries

The legal and justice systems involve vast amounts of data that require analysis, interpretation, and visualization. Python, a popular programming language, offers a variety of libraries that enable legal professionals, researchers, and analysts to handle complex data and gain valuable insights...

North American Indigenous Peoples and Libraries

North American Indians and other indigenous peoples have an extensive history of disdain and outright violence directed against them. Yet they have survived for eons by continually creating and rebuilding knowledge critical to their lifestyle and survival. These Native Peoples have always benefit...

Popular libraries for Bayesian network learning in Python

In this article, I introduce various libraries to work with probabilistic models. These libraries provide different levels of complexity, ranging from those that focus on providing simple and intuitive interfaces to those that offer advanced features and algorithms. You can choose the library tha...

Speak Daily — Intermediate Day 2 — The Hidden Wonders of Libraries

The architecture of libraries themselves often tells a story of historical significance and architectural innovation. From the ancient, scroll-filled rooms of the Library of Alexandria to the modern, sleek designs of today’s public libraries, these buildings stand as testaments to the value pl...