Tag: Learners

AWS Basics for DevOps Learners: How to Use User Data and IAM Roles

User data is a feature of Amazon EC2 that allows you to pass custom configurations and commands to your EC2 instances when you launch them. You can use user data to perform common automated tasks such as installing software, configuring settings, running scripts, etc. User data can be very useful fo...

A Visual Learner’s Guide to Explain, Implement and Interpret Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

High-dimensional data is a common issue experienced in machine learning practices, as we typically feed a large amount of features for model training. This results in the caveat of models having less interpretability and higher complexity — also known as the curse of dimensionality. PCA can be...

The Link Between Pronunciation and Listening Skills: A Guide for English Language Learners

Pronunciation and listening are two sides of the same coin in language learning. A deep understanding of phonetics — the sounds of a language — serves as the foundation for both. When learners practice pronunciation, they become more familiar with the specific sounds of English, includin...

Useful apps for advanced English learners

Improve your grammar, vocabulary Go Correct lets you practice writing English every day, with feedback from a qualified teacher. You receive a daily conversation question. You reply with a text of about 60–70 words and the teacher checks it and corrects you. Questions are about a va...