Tag: Labour

Time versus Labour: the Perpetual Struggle

Iwant time to know he doesn’t scare me. But he does. Who doesn’t have a battle with time? Since Einstein’s theory of relativity, theorists have argued that time as we know it doesn’t exist, though this has been hotly contested by some physicists i...

Eccentric Labour: The Work of Remedios Varo and Mika Rottenberg

A bell rings. A pulley winds transparent thread. Women in closet-sized rooms drip sweat, sniff flowers, and pedal contraptions. Silvery filaments and clotheslines carry pieces of chewing gum, crystals, and plants across space, time, and through wallpaper. This is the work of Remedios Varo and Mika R...

Carpentry: One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in Canada is Facing a Major Labour Shortage.

This paper will dive into the statistics regarding Carpenters across Canada, and specifically in Manitoba. It will explore the workplace health and safety profile of carpenters, some primary hazards that they face, and Workers Compensation statistics to determine the overall risks to their health an...

Unmasking Exploitation with the Monetary Equivalent of Labour Time

If your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime. That’s why you analyze the links between social class and exploitation on company time. Rather than treating objective social class as some function of income, education, and occupation, we’re going to begin with capitalist exploitation in th...