Tag: Labor

What to the Black Man or Woman is Labor Day?

Apologies to Frederick Douglass for paraphrasing the title of his famous speech, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" As was the case with the Fourth of July holiday, Black people didn't share equally in the holiday's creation. We start with the origin of Labor Day. The fi...

The Abject Failure that is Labor Day in America

Labor Day was first celebrated in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. It has its roots in the original labor movements of the industrial revolution, when workers started organizing into unions and striking against their corporate bosses who forced poor working condi...

“Leading the Way: DMCC and ADGM’s Commitment to Progressive Labor Initiatives”

Dubai has become one of the most popular business hubs in the world, attracting investors and entrepreneurs from across the globe. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) are two of the leading free zones in the UAE, which have played a crucial role in facilitati...

“Leading the Way: DMCC and ADGM’s Commitment to Progressive Labor Initiatives”

Dubai has become one of the most popular business hubs in the world, attracting investors and entrepreneurs from across the globe. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) are two of the leading free zones in the UAE, which have played a crucial role in facilitati...

Pie and Sky: 115km from Beer Industrial to Berry Labor

This route starts at the Moody Centre Skytrain Station and ends at Krause Berry Farm, with a pitstop in ‘downtown’ Fort Langley. Note that the route details shown below are for a one-way trip, so to get back to where you started from, multiply by 2 accordingly. You can create you...

How Child Slave Labor Continued Almost a Century After the Civil War

The 13th Amendment provided an exception where enslavement was ended except for people convicted of crimes. When the Civil War ended, cotton production, for example, exceeded pre-war levels after a brief period. Cotton was still labor intensive. Enslaved people were replaced by sharecro...

Amidst Tears, The Painful Realities of Physical Labor and Sexual Services

Due to the sensitivity and complexity of the topics of physical labor and sexual services, writing a comparative article on these subjects can pose many ethical and legal challenges. However, I am aware that in my own country, these terms are used in this way. Additionally, the legal status and...