Tag: Killed

The Peculiar Truth about the Mobster Who Almost Got Don Rickles Killed

“Crazy” Joe Gallo was a murderous gangster who has been portrayed many times in books, films, and television. For one year in the early 70s, he was welcomed into New York’s elite high society. As a juvenile delinquent he’d been declared schizophrenic, hence his nickname. I...

I Killed my Car

Actually, it was my wife’s car, but I’d driven it for 10 years and put all of 15,000 kilometres on it while she drives a company car. Just 50K kilometres and a great engine, but 13 years old, and terribly banged up from anonymous Parisian parkers who used my car to know when they&rsqu...

Obsession With Engagement Killed LinkedIn

Istill remember how back in the day (about a decade ago) LinkedIn was one of the big two social networks along with Facebook. Facebook was for your friends and LinkedIn was for your work. And given how important work is to people (we all need money to pay the bills after all), LinkedIn with by far t...

Architecture Killed My Career

“We’re parting ways with you. We’ve made efforts to find a good fit, but we can see that you’re not content with your work here. This decision isn’t related to your recent experience as a new mom.” In many states, employers are not legally required to provide a...

2023: The Year The Supreme Court Killed Democracy

Well, it was a good run. But government of the people, by the people, and for the people isn’t likely to survive the Supreme Court’s next term. There are a lot of cases where the Court’s six-Justice conservative majority looks poised to shove the law rightward, but one, in particul...

2023: The Year The Supreme Court Killed Democracy

Well, it was a good run. But government of the people, by the people, and for the people isn’t likely to survive the Supreme Court’s next term. There are a lot of cases where the Court’s six-Justice conservative majority looks poised to shove the law rightward, but one, in particul...

How Time Dilation Killed 14-Billion-Year-Old-Universe Concept

Time ran slower in the past: at twice slower pace 14 billion years ago, at 12 times slower pace 32 billion years ago. How do we know? Because when we look into the past, we see everything there is slow. How do we look into the past? Through telescopes: because the speed of light is finite, we see ve...