Tag: Keep

Agile Retrospectives Keep Failing. Here’s Why

Are your sprint retrospectives a nightmare of silence? Mine sure are, as nobody gives seems to have any enthusiasm for doing a good job and pushing features out to customers. I think the constant refrain at work is why bother! In this article, I’d like to explore what is going wrong,...

How "Google Keep" Keeps Me on Track

If you're searching for a top-notch personal note-taking app, you can't go wrong with Google Keep. I know, I know, everyone might be saying, "Wait a minute, Anshul, you're an Evernote guy, isn't Evernote awesome?" Evernote is fantastic, but better choices exist for a ...

How "Google Keep" Keeps Me on Track

If you're searching for a top-notch personal note-taking app, you can't go wrong with Google Keep. I know, I know, everyone might be saying, "Wait a minute, Anshul, you're an Evernote guy, isn't Evernote awesome?" Evernote is fantastic, but better choices exist for a ...