Tag: Julia

Comprehensions And Filter Vs. For and Continue in Julia

Those that have been reading my blog somewhat consistency might recall a short article I wrote a few months ago discussing how I nearly never use traditional for loops when programming Julia. The primary techniques I use to replace these loops are often either mapping or comprehensions. Julia has a ...

Experimenting With SVG Game Development In Julia

introduction For a while now, I have been pondering the potential for creating games using Julia. To be clear, I am really not much of a gamer — I have had my moments of binging the Sims 2 for days straight, but overall I tend to be interested in games from a much more geeky perspective tha...

Study Abroad in Copenhagen: Day in the Life of Julia Lau ’23

I had wanted to study abroad for as long as I could remember, but I chose to study abroad with DIS Copenhagen because of all the positive comments I’d heard from upperclassmen–and they were all true! DIS Copenhagen is an amazing program and I’ve really loved my time abroa...

Julia Tuttle’s Real Estate Holdings

Dr. Harris was shocked to discover that William Gleason, a Republican from New York, had taken over his newly acquired property in South Florida. Gleason had originally come to the area in an official capacity looking to make South Florida a new home to thousands of freed African slaves, but he was ...